.NET - The Doorway to RightAngle Interoperability
It seems many, if not most of the RightAngle community, may be missing the key reasons for this massive change. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t a 'look and feel' facelift. Understanding and using RightAngle .NET the way it was designed is the gateway to the next phase of technological advancement for the platform.
The RightAngle Snapshot Murder Mystery
If you own RightAngle, you have likely run into a scenario where a change in the system resulted in some major problems. Maybe a fat-fingered date on an order crashed your snapshot. Someone added an extra zero to a price, and values are in the quintillions. One way or another a user action resulted in massive system failure.
Keeping Up with RightAngle
RightAngle has several critical processes necessary to maintain regular business. Keeping up with the Kardashians is an easier task than keeping up with what’s going on in RightAngle sometimes.
Stop Playing Games with Your RightAngle Licenses
Software licensing can be quite confusing. There are tens of models used with variances in subscription versus perpetual, use based for CPU usage, seat models, and many more. Today we’ll dive into two of the more common license models to help you understand how they operate and understand how to determine which is best for your organization.