Innovative Software Tools for RightAngle

RightAngle is a complex platform for business users and IT teams alike. Our mission is to create out-of-the-box software products to provide insight and visibility into the platform, ease the burden of cost and manage the heavy lifting.

Triangle Software - RightAngle support monitor imac image


Products That Simplify RightAngle

Triangle Software - License Coordinator App Icon


It's time to stop copying and pasting RightAngle data into Excel! With X-RA, you can view your core and custom reports in Excel without ever opening RightAngle. X-RA allows you to set report criteria and pull RightAngle data all from within Excel. X-RA simplifies RightAngle reporting across your entire organization.

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Triangle Software - License Coordinator App Icon

License Coordinator

RightAngle licenses are expensive, and studies show that only 40-60% of your users are logged in at any one time. License Coordinator allows you to access and assign dormant licenses with worry-free automatic reassignment so you can optimize your license use and manage your spend.

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Triangle Software - RightAngle Support Monitor app icon

RA Support Monitor

Monitor your entire RightAngle platform with this user-friendly tool. RA Support Monitor is your go-to notification center that provides real-time alerts via email or text when there is an issue within your RightAngle system.

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OUr Mission

To Shape the Future of CTRM

Triangle Software's goal is to bring innovation and ease-of-use solutions to the CTRM world—starting with RightAngle. RightAngle is the leading solution for physical commodities. We strive to enhance the RightAngle experience and make your life easier.

At Triangle, we are taking the industry into the future with modern solutions that challenge the status quo and help you rethink how you use technology to conduct business.

We are but one part of the equation. While we have experts behind our development, we want to partner with users like you to understand the challenges and bottlenecks you experience on the job. If you have a challenge or idea, let's connect! Together we can make the RightAngle world better for users and companies alike.

Got an idea? Let's Connect!

Simplify RightAngle and get more out of what you already own.

Learn how you can save money, optimize your platform, and maximize your ROI with our advanced RightAngle tools.


Our Latest News & Updates


How to craft a perfect marketing campaign.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

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Learn how to get started with webflow interactions.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

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It seems many, if not most of the RightAngle community, may be missing the key reasons for this massive change. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t a 'look and feel' facelift. Understanding and using RightAngle .NET the way it was designed is the gateway to the next phase of technological advancement for the platform. 

.NET - The Doorway to RightAngle Interoperability

It seems many, if not most of the RightAngle community, may be missing the key reasons for this massive change. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t a 'look and feel' facelift. Understanding and using RightAngle .NET the way it was designed is the gateway to the next phase of technological advancement for the platform. 

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If you own RightAngle, you have likely run into a scenario where a change in the system resulted in some major problems. Maybe a fat-fingered date on an order crashed your snapshot. Someone added an extra zero to a price, and values are in the quintillions. One way or another a user action resulted in massive system failure.

The RightAngle Snapshot Murder Mystery

If you own RightAngle, you have likely run into a scenario where a change in the system resulted in some major problems. Maybe a fat-fingered date on an order crashed your snapshot. Someone added an extra zero to a price, and values are in the quintillions. One way or another a user action resulted in massive system failure.

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RightAngle has several critical processes necessary to maintain regular business. Keeping up with the Kardashians is an easier task than keeping up with what’s going on in RightAngle sometimes.

Keeping Up with RightAngle

RightAngle has several critical processes necessary to maintain regular business. Keeping up with the Kardashians is an easier task than keeping up with what’s going on in RightAngle sometimes.

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Triangle by the Numbers

Making your RightAngle
life better


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"Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book"

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Mark Smith (CEO & Founder)

"Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book"

Joran Lee (Head of Marketing)

"Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book"

Kate Jose (Business Advisor)


Don't take our word for it! Check out what our customers have to say and how they have simplified RightAngle with our tools.

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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Id morbi accumsan cras laoreet.”

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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Id morbi accumsan cras laoreet.”

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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Id morbi accumsan cras laoreet.”

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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Id morbi accumsan cras laoreet.”

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